This is a selfie of me

About me

Hey! I'm Amy Rogers, a designer and front-end developer from Guildford, England. I've been designing professionally since 2015 but I've built and coded websites for myself since my teens.

My career started with a UX internship during my final year at uni. I learned about desiging products with input from the people using them and I was hooked from day one. From there I worked at an agency in London and at Yoti before starting my freelance journey in early 2020.

Since becoming independent I launched my studio, Gubbins. I work on projects that combine my generalist skills and share how I do this to educate and inspire others. I love that I can help people with a wide range of things from illustration and newsletter design to making jewellery and merch.

In 2023 I became a certified Notion consultant, one of only a handful in the UK. I love showing people how they can get the most out of Notion. I've spoken at Notion events and I'm an ambassador for the Notion London community.

Working together

I'm currently learning more about how I can bridge design and development, and I'd love to work with a team building out a design system. If this is you please email me at

And if you just want to talk you can find me on Bluesky or LinkedIn.


This website is built with Astro with additional elements designed in Figma. The font is Crimson Pro.